Tilly Moncrief – carnage revisited.

South Perth and the Windsor Hotel flash by on Tilly’s right, she hated any hot dish served cold.   Gearing down, the surrounding 3 am darkness enveloped her like a black velvet glove as she rode quietly up Mill Point road. Letting the bike get near to the top of the hill, she turned it…

Sung by the man with the feathered feet.

Fear encapsulated him, stone cold and sweat inducing. He felt it in his gut, his heart hammered in his chest, his eyesight blurred, he felt nauseous, his breathing was too fast, and he could control none of it. He knew running was futile, hiding even more so, they would take years to complete the hunt…

Her love for him was in the shoulder felt recoil.

Yarr! It has been an age since I put anything onto my page, hence this wee tester. The noxious tripe beneath these dodgy words is a first draft of a wicked little book designed to fill the nasty little hands of those with the ability to read, yet lacking the understanding that what they read…

Mr. D’arcy, Fist of Death, devourer of souls.

Sweat ran into her eyes as she fled on winged feet.  She had lost her knife, and the open area beside the rutted and dusty track of The Now offered no cover whatsoever from either the elements or more human pursuers.  Her near dry cloak streamed behind her, flapping occasionally around her legs slowing her….

The dead boys screaming soul.

The shoulder high grass tickles my nose as I creep through the hedge. As far as hedges go, this is a large one, the concealment it offers is magnificent, and the view it extends me of the cottage is fantastic. I must be about twenty cat paces from the gate to the green yard surrounding…

Dead and well bled.

After a time, the sun on its downward run toward night, she spotted a finger of smoke stretching to the heavens from beyond a hill in the distance. Black Annis, with joy in her heart and a spring in her step, decided that wherever the smoke was coming from would be her next ‘bit of…

The cat and the kidney – Hell revisited.

Essex Street, close to midnight, I had just completed lancing a boil. Not just any boil, rather a pilonidal sinus the size of my fist which was located directly above the cleft of buttock of a carter.  I extracted at least four cups of foul green yellow pus from the local and surrounding area of…

Tilly Moncrief – carnage continued.

It is 1922, and it is the tale of Tilly Moncrief. A rogue, swindler, and well styled crim without borders. Tilly has stolen from Cat Lucifer, a wealthy and notorious brothel owner and Madame. Cat puts word out on the streets offering £2,000 for Tilly’s head alone, or £3,000 for her head and her property…

Tilly Moncrief – nemesis of Cat Lucifer – carnage revisited.

C As far as cellars went, the cellar beneath the Windsor Hotel wasn’t a bad one. Running beneath the hotel, the cellar was equal in length and width of the establishment, the timber and stone lined walls leading to a ceiling nearly eight feet above the floor; well coopered barrels filled with beer but mostly…

therebemonstershere.com – the links

Hey there groovy movers. Recently I was asked what therebemonstershere.com methods of contact and social media links were. So, in response to that, here ’tis! /www.facebook.com/monstershere email: editor@therebemonstershere.com text only: +61 (0) 418 393 742 And there we go. Try and click the link beneath picture, music should follow. However, with the ‘block’ format WP…

The Lore of The Emotionally Absent Killer.

As far as he was concerned, temper and rage, were nothing more than weakness through emotion. It was the ability to think, not feel, that gave cause to the success of man. It is not what people feel that truly matters in the long run, it is how they think and act that defines them….

No greater prison than the ocean blue.

  Unaware he had fallen asleep, he hit the deck with a solid ‘thud’. Thrown from his rack by extreme movement of the ship, he awoke with a shock, immediately to have another man land on him, having been thrown from the rack above his own.   Crawling around in the dark mess space, he…

Styx, and stones.

  Sleep, this time around proved somewhat more elusive. Knowing full well that he desperately needed it, he shut his eyes, and did his utmost to clear his mind of the nightmare he so recently endured.   Morpheus finally stepped in. This time his dreams filled with the memory of looking up at a night…

Warm, dry, and over it.

  The seas had become the image of a nightmare. A swell of between six and eight metres, working with a easterly gale was doing its best to batter the ship. Now 2200, and with two hours of waiting on the mess couch, being thrown about by the ships movement was just about all he…


  Dipping, rolling, and listing; the ship plowed through the night time waves. The swell had picked up to four metres, and the barometre dropped quicker than the whores draws on half price night. Above, the heavy clouded night sky loomed black and menacing, so much so that the horizon was indefinable; ocean and sky…

Still cold, still wet, too scared for homesick.

  Having showered and eaten, the PO returned to the XO’s cabin. Still relishing the sensation of warmth from the shower, and the feel of clean dry clothing against his skin, he knocked firmly against the door frame of the cabin. On hearing “Enter”, he pulled the blue curtain serving as cabin door aside, and…

Cold, wet, and homesick.

  At nearly midday, a big sky, light blue and cloudless, sat above a three metre swell, and the grey ship that sailed upon it. So far from shore now, seabirds had stopped following them. The only winged beasts to be encountered were great swarms of flying fish, skipping and skimming across the surface. A…

Lead pill behind the left ear.

  Lying behind these lack lustre, whimsical if it so pleases you, eyes of mine; the portal to this my very soul; a hellish black beast stirs. It is the beast of time. More accurately, the beast of time squandered. A beast for the soul left to rot in the remnants of self. My self….

Sobriety, the curse of the damned.

  Cold sweat and steady rain dripped from every part of her being; terror gnawed at her gut, and her nausea was overpowering. Lithe legged she ran, not ‘to’, but rather it was the ‘from’ that had her sprinting in sans bra and undies in a pair of old jeans, an older tee shirt and…

Miss you like sleep.

Beyond death, there is a place of extreme life, one so brilliant and unimaginable, that no person could begin to dream of. A world of sentient beings both real and myth released; beasts lurking between imagination and seedy hidden reality; murder, mayhem, carnage and light of unfathomable mystery. The next evolutionary step, shedding the trainer…